The passage of the 2018 Farm Bill legalized the growth and sale of industrial hemp and its derivative, the non-psychoactive compound Cannabidiol (CBD). This bill took control of the manufacture, marketing and sale of CBD products away from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and gave it to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA has recently passed laws which will at least temporarily constrain a booming CBD market, but conflict exists between Federal, State, and local laws, which leaves the regulatory environment both rapidly evolving and uncertain.
Our aim in offering this white paper — and others like it — is to assist with your labeling projects. Therefore, in hopes of simplifying your labeling process, this white paper examines the effect of the immediate FDA regulations on CBD product labeling. We discuss how these laws directly impact what is legal to print on a product label, or to include in advertising and social media marketing.
Download the White Paper To:
- Learn about the Impact of the 2018 Farm Bill on Federal CBD Legalization
- Find out Why the CBD Market is Rapidly Growing
- Distinguish the Changing FDA Guidelines for Legal Product Sales
- Find out how to Comply with Requirements for CBD Product Labels