You might have seen it on Instagram, Twitter or more recently on Facebook. The trending hashtag “Blessed,” followed by an emoji of two hands coming together, for posts where folks are showing something they tend to be grateful for. We believe our Blessed Stickers are symbolic for our shared vocabulary year-round, and particularly over these next two holiday weeks.
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As 2015 comes to a close, many of us are reflecting on all of the gifts and positive events in our lives over this past year. Maybe some of us will even evaluate the good that potentially came out of the sad and difficult occurrences. We might even make a number of social media posts to share our appreciation with our networks.
Whatever you do with the SixB Blessed Stickers, we hope it adds at least a little light of appreciation to your day. If you choose to share with your network, please include us with our handle @sixblabels. Happy Holidays (and Hashtag-ing)!
Editorial Note: While there is some controversy about the meaning behind this featured emoji, our interpretation for the Blessed Stickers is that it is two hands coming together in a sort of prayer mode, rather than a “high-five.”
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