Non-Profit Corner Series — The story about Event Labels for the non-profit Angel City Sports’ showcase festival and competition, the Angel City Games, is a personal one. A little over 10 years ago, our nephew Ezra was born with physical limb differences. His parents, Bahar and Clayton Frech, immersed themselves in, and introduced our family to, the Adaptive Sports community. Now Ezra — a Track & Field multi-national record holder, Sports Illustrated’s SportsKid of the Year 2014, starting quarterback — is the inspiration of the Angel City Games, where children and adults with physical differences come together and compete to eventually qualify for the Paralympics.

[fa icon="clock-o"] 11/4/15 8:00 AM [fa icon="user"] Sara Shereen Bakhshian [fa icon="folder-open'] Outdoor Labels, Specialty Labels, Barcodes, Non-Profit Corner, Name Badges
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